My brother is married!! It happened on Saturday October 10th and I couldn't be happier. Jake and I weren't their photographers (they wanted us to just enjoy it instead of working) but we got to snag some shots anyway!

my husband was a groomsman... isn't he handsome? ; )

We were also supposed to go to our friends Daniel and Mercedes' wedding the next day, but we did this instead...

We were so sad to miss it but the Lord knows better than us... who knows, maybe we would have gotten in a horrific accident on the way there and He was protecting us. Anyway, congrats to both couples!

my husband was a groomsman... isn't he handsome? ; )
We were also supposed to go to our friends Daniel and Mercedes' wedding the next day, but we did this instead...
We were so sad to miss it but the Lord knows better than us... who knows, maybe we would have gotten in a horrific accident on the way there and He was protecting us. Anyway, congrats to both couples!

So beautiful! I loved both sets of pictures... at least you looked HOT while fixing your car ;)